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As a nation we're starting to get angry at the enablers, now that we know it takes a village to foist all the shame of sexual violence on a victim.įor example, Charlie Rose's longtime executive producer, Yvette Vega, expressed shame that she couldn't 'help' the young women she was hiring. And in this Great Shame Transfer it isn't just the perpetrators who should get a piece of it. What has been limitless is a victim's shame. It isn't the legal system a perpetrator can hire fancy lawyers to bury Crumiller in paperwork, 'but there's a limit to that,' she said. It isn't money that stops victims from reporting this stuff a good personal-injury lawyer will work on a contingency fee.

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The shame of having been raped is so great that it's only in standing in solidarity with women who've been subject to a different form of sexual violence that many rape victims feel comfortable admitting anything happened to them at all. Shame, by the way, is why #MeToo is being used by all kinds of victims of sexual assault.

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